Game, Set and Match

It’s time finally to unleash the emotions. I've hesitated many times to share about what is essentially a very deep personal journey...But can't hold back. Calling it a roller coaster of emotions doesn’t quite sum up the range and depth of feelings in the last couple of weeks - ever since Sadhguru’s surgery has been… Continue reading Game, Set and Match

CIRCA 2020 – From Corona to a Code Freeze!

Well, here we are, Jan 2021. Dec 31st 2020 did not magically eradicate the virus or give us a license to go back to our “normal” lives by which I mean our maskless, globetrotting, irreverent and carefree (careless) ways. Before you start reading, this is not another piece on lockdowns and how they’re actually blessings… Continue reading CIRCA 2020 – From Corona to a Code Freeze!

Rose Tinted Glasses

Well, this began in part as a resolution to write more regularly but it’s also something that’s been on my mind for a while now, albeit as a vague thought process. A couple of conversations in the last few days have just served to catalyse it into a more lucid expression.

Growing up, I was quite often termed, in varying degrees of exasperation and amusement, as too optimistic, naïve, idealistic (and consequently, unrealistic). A high school friend would constantly caution that I was looking at the world through rose tinted glasses. “You don’t understand how people can be”, my mother would bemoan, quite sure that her daughter would not survive in the ‘big bad world’.

My defense then, as it is now, is that the world is what you make it to be. Quite simply, what you reflect is also what you see.  Or, at the risk of being too reductionist, it’s the age-old adage of believing in good for good to happen.

In times when we are increasingly assaulted by news of crimes that highlight human depravity, I understand why this seems like a churlish thought. And thereby, a disclaimer here...I do know fully well that the world, people or just life in general doesn’t work as simplistically as that. And that being careful and watchful is imperative to the times we live in. I have no disagreement there.

It is the pervasiveness and intensity of our carefulness that troubles me.